++++NEW - DUPLA Gel-o-Drops++++
Dupla Gel-o-Drops is a high quality and innovative jelly food for tropical ornamental fish that can replace frozen food completely. The drops are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and promote the well-being of the aquarium inhabitants. Dupla Gel-o-Drops are easy to dose, retain their shape in water, stay fresh without refrigeration and minimise the risk of excessive water contamination.
holder for Gel-o-Drops food jelly
2.49 €*
jelly food with hemp & Spirulina alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
jelly food with Artemia alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
jelly food with decapsulated Artemia alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
jelly food with white mosquito larvae alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
jelly food with red mosquito larvae alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
jelly food for all ornamental fish
5.85 €*
jelly food with Cyclops alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.95 €*
jelly food with Mysis alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.95 €*
jelly food with Krill alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
jelly food with Artemia, Mysis & Krill alternative to frozen food does not disintegrate in water
5.85 €*
weekend food for ornamental fish
6.95 €*
holiday feed for ornamental fish
4.49 €*